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Shiroles, Talamanca, COSTA RICA

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Due to the importance of environmental topics, we cultivate an ecological agricultural system. Our fincas are places of biodiversity. The serve as habitats for insects, mammals, birds, microorganisms and other organisms. In addition, the capture carbon. Our lots of land are also used for investigations of organizations and universities e.g. CATIE, UCR, UMA, EARTH and other international organizations.

  • there are 25 reptiles of 8 different families
  • there are 20 amphibias of 5 different families




 Ranita Roja o ranita de blue jeans (Oophaga  pumilio)

 Lagartija delgada de cuello amarillo (Norops  limifrons)

 Rana venenosa de Talamanca (Allobates  talamancae)

 Lagartija del suelo (Norops humilis)

 Ranita venenosa verdinegra (Dentrobates  auratus)

 Lagartija delgada (Norops lemurinus)


frogs and toads in cocoa fincas (examples and explanation in spanish from PCC-project)

Capacitation and investigation

PCC Project
PCC Project



Pruning of cocoa trees (investigation and capacitation)

charcoal for fertalizing cocoa trees
charcoal for fertalizing cocoa trees



charcoal for fertalize the soil of cocoa trees (investigation and capacitation)